What Can I Expect?

Your Initial Appointment

During your first session, we’ll do a standard evaluation so I can understand where you are and what you need. This is a completely confidential meeting, and I encourage you to tell me everything you can. The more I can know you, the stronger our connection and the stronger the energy I can channel to bring you emotional peace.

During this first session, I’ll measure your chakra energy, and perform some initial healing energy work to help reduce your most acute distress. We’ll also do an angel card reading if you so desire. These readings are very helpful for some people, as they can give you direction, guidance, or simply validate how you’re feeling. Please allow two hours for your first session.

After your initial evaluation, I’ll send you home with a specially-prepared crystal essence, a journal, and one or two healing crystals with instructions on how to use each one. You’ll also receive a packet of information with suggestions to help you cope with the ups and downs. Most of these suggestions are things I do myself to remain high functioning. I’ll check in with you the next day, and you may call me at any time. When we do energy work, energy moves other energy around. So when I start removing negative energy residing in your body, other negative energy can bubble to the surface. That’s why it’s so important that you follow my directions on how to take care of you until our next appointment.

Your Follow-Up Appointment

Your follow-up appointment is perhaps even more important than the first, and will set the tone for the work we do together. During your second appointment we’ll go over everything that happened since our initial session. We’ll talk about what worked and what didn’t. I’ll perform Reiki, a Crystal Healing session, and (again, if desired) an angel card reading to offer additional insight and guidance.

At no time do I want you to feel lost or frustrated. If you have questions, please ask. My daughter and I transformed our lives in about two years. I’m not saying it will take that long for everyone, because at first we really had no direction or guidance. It just happened in Divine Timing. I will be with you every step of the way.

Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, ADHD and grief all go hand in hand—each represents a loss of control in your life. A loss of purpose, a loss of relationships, a loss of focus. My goal is to bring that focus and control back into your life.